
Урок 12. My working Day (5б класс)

Make up your own story about your working day:
1. Open the presentation .link
2. Type the title "My Working Day" and your name.
3. Choose the picture of the clock face and insert it.
4. Create an hour hand and a second hand on the clock face according to the text you type (pushing Ctrl button click the hour hand, the second hand and the clock face;  then click Упорядочить/Сгруппировать).
5. Describe your workind day.
6. On the other slide make up not less than 10 questions.
6. Be ready to present your work.

Урок 11. My Working Day (5c класс)

Make up your own story about your working day:
1. Open the presentation click.
2. Type the title "My Working Day" and your name.
3. Choose the picture of the clock face and insert it.
4. Create an hour hand and a second hand on the clock face according to the text you type (pushing Ctrl button click the hour hand, the second hand and the clock face;  then click Упорядочить/Сгруппировать).
5. Describe your workind day.
6. On the other slide make up not less than 10 questions.
6. Be ready to present your work.



Урок 6. The cat and the mouse (3а класс)

1. Откройте презентацию по ссылке.
2. Cоздайте копию с помощью Файл/Создать копию.
3. Прочитайте рассказ.
4. Выполните задание на слайде 10 (составьте предложения из данных слов).
5. Выполните задание на слайде 11 (вписать слова в клетки кроссворда).